Welcome to the GCCYS Girls Basketball page. We hope that you find the information provided on this page useful. We believe that basketball is a wonderful developmental sport for young girls. Our goal as the GCCYS is to support our member programs and associated families to help girls learn foundational teamwork and healthy competitive behaviors.
Contact Us 2023-24 Standings and Game Data Team Registration Guidance
We are currently in search of a girls basketball commissioner for the 2024-25 season.
To participate in the GCCYS, we expect all parents, players, coaches, and referees to abide by the rules and behave in a manner becoming to our Catholic faith. Please take time to read the Rules document as well as our Sportsmanship document and Ten Things Parents of Athletes Should Know.
League Rules (updated on 11/5/24)
In order for your child to participate in the GCCYS, ALL parents/guardians must fill out a Liability Waiver form for each of their children playing in our league once per school year. We try to help out our coordinators by matching up waivers with roster entries so please double check the spelling of your child's last name, verify date of birth, and make sure you choose the correct organization. Parents may begin filling out Liability Waivers for the 2024-25 school year on June 1st.
The season-ending league tournament will take place from January 16th-19th for all girls teams. The Sunday of tournament weekend is reserved for championship games only. We will work around parish conflicts as best as we can but there is very limited time available for this tournament to be played. All teams participate in the tournament unless they notify the league by January 1st. In order to seed teams with as much regular season data as possible, the schedule for the tournament will be released on the Tuesday of tournament week. A team trophy is given to the 1st and 2nd place team in each bracket. Girls championship games for 6th-8th grades are usually played at area high schools.