Boys Basketball Tournament - Tentative Gym Schedule

UPDATED 2/4/25 12pm:  Bottom of PDF was cutoff on first release (St. Veronica, St. Xavier HS, and Summit Country Day have gym times assigned)  Also, some parishes/schools withdrew gym time yesterday.  Any gym time on PDF that is highlighted in yellow was changed in v2.

The boys basketball tournament (February 13-16) is fast approaching and we have put together a list of preliminary site assignments for the tournament.  Please note that when a time is listed such as 5:30-8:30, that means the first game starts at 5:30pm and the last game starts at 7:30pm, meaning that we hope the last game ends by 8:30pm.  All teams will be seeded and assigned to brackets beginning late on Sunday and the schedule will be no later than Tuesday at 6pm (we are shooting for noon).  All first round games (for brackets greater than 8 teams), will be played mostly on Friday with a few Thursday games.  Quarter-final and semi-final games on Saturday, and championship matches on Sunday.

Tournament Gym Assignments v2